Happening in Fulton: Fulton County & Queen Olori Atuwatse III Sign Historic Agreement for Cultural & Economic Exchange

Happening in Fulton: Fulton County & Queen Olori Atuwatse III Sign Historic Agreement for Cultural & Economic Exchange

March 17, 2025

Fulton County and the Kingdom of Warri, Nigeria reach a historic agreement for cultural and economic exchange. Hear more from Kingdom of Warri, Nigeria Queen Olori Atuwase III. I'm hoping that we're able to form cultural and economic bridges between us in the Warri Kingdom and Fulton County and exchange programs especially with regards to education for our people. I had a wonderful time can I just say. From the arrival at the airport, everyone has been warm, everyone has been so hospitable and I'm able to feel what southern hospitality really is all about. I've had a great, great time; thank you all for having me.

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