The Fulton County Board of Health provides a variety of services that help protect residents from health threats, increase access to health services to improve health outcomes, and provide information that assists Fulton County citizens in living healthier lives. The FCBOH serves nearly one million citizens who reside in Fulton County. The health centers include state-of-the-art clinics to serve our clients along with an Office of Vital Records located in the Fulton County Government Center.
UPDATE: Notice is hereby given of a Public Hearing to be held at the Board of Commissioners (BOC) Meeting scheduled on March 16, 2022, 10:00 A.M. by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners in the Assembly Hall, Fulton County Government Center, 141 Pryor Street, S.W., Atlanta, GA 30303, with a vote by the BOC to approve changes made by the Fulton County Board of Health to its Environmental Health fee schedule. The proposed changes are available for review here, and are made in order to cover the costs of personnel, travel, and parking associated with environmental health inspection and compliance activities, and to update and clarify the services provided. The Public Hearing will be a part of the BOC Meeting Agenda, and the meeting and comment opportunity can be virtually accessed through the information posted on Any interested party may appear and make comment before the BOC at the time specified above.